Boost your computer speed and performance

Turn Off Indexing to Speed Up
XP Windows XP keeps a record of
all files on the hard disk so
when you do a search on the
hard drive it is faster. There is
a downside to this and
because the computer has to index all files, it will slow
down normal file commands
like open, close, etc. If you do
not do a whole lot of searches
on your hard drive then you
may want to turn this feature off: Open My Computer. Right-click your hard drive
icon and select Properties. At the bottom of the
window you'll see "Allow
indexing service to index this
disk for faster searches,"
uncheck this and click ok. A new window will pop up
and select Apply to all folders
and subfolders. It will take a minute or two
for the changes to take affect
but Clean Your Prefetch to
Improve Performance This is a unique technique for
WinXP. We know that it is
necessary to scrub registry
and TEMP files for Win9X/
ME/2000 periodically. Prefetch
is a new and very useful technique in Windows XP.
However, after using XP some
time, the prefetch directory
can get full of junk and
obsolete links in the Prefetch
catalog, which can slow down your computer noticeably. Open C(system drive):/
windows/prefetch, delete
those junk and obsolete files,
reboot. It is recommended
that you do this every month. Performance Increase Through
My Computer Easy enough tweak to usually
find out about it on your
own, but still, some of us still
don't find it right away. So
here it is: Start > right-click on My
Computer and select
Properties. Click on the "Advanced" tab. See the "Performance"
section? Click "Settings". Disable the following: Fade or slide menus into view Fade or slide ToolTips into
view Fade out menu items after
clicking Show Shadows under menus Slide open combo boxes Slide taskbar buttons Use a background image for
each folder type Use common tasks in folders There, now Windows will still
look nice and perform faster. Reduce 10 Second Scandisk
Wait Time Start MS Dos Prompt (Start
run CMD), and type: CHKNTFS /
T:4 where 4 is the amount of wait


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